Latest News:
The consultation for the 2024/25 Council Tax Support Scheme is now open and can be found at www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/ctsconsultation.
If you are aged 18-30, involved in the Agricultural Industry, live/work or study in Norfolk, and have not previously attended The Oxford Farming Conference, then you are able to enter the Norfolk Farming Scholar Competition courtesy of The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association.
The Parish Council planted three purple birch trees at the Playing Field to commemorate our late Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
These trees have been uploaded onto the Queen's Green Canopy map:
Latest News:
Works to some of the trees at The Staithe will be carried out in November 2023.
The Parish Council is continuing the conversation with Norfolk County Council to try and repair / replace sections of the railings along the riverbank.
We are working with Norfolk County Council and local land owners to try and replace an old bridge at the Bedford River with a new one or maybe even a culvert to provide access once more to complete the circular walk known as Footpath 7.
There is a defibrillator on the front wall at the Village Hall for residents' use in the event of an emergency.
The code to open the door is accessed by dialling 999. This code is not publicly advertised to ensure the device remains secure.
We're responsible for:
The upkeep of the cemetery and playing field at Birchfield Road
Bus shelters, litter bins and dog waste bins
Street lighting
Provide general maintenance around the village
Maintenance of the defibrillator and telephone kiosk in the village
Consider and comment on parish planning applications
Manage the speed awareness message sign in the parish (SAM2 camera)
Liaise with Norfolk County Council Highways regarding road repairs